Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Beans don't burn on the grill.....

Hey everybody,

I know, I know, it's been awhile since I've posted, but I didn't have anything new or interesting to say, so I just opted out. I've been getting a lot of e-mails.......hang on Kimberly wants to hear James Brown's "I Feel Good" on itunes. My funky daughter ; ).
Anyway, I've been getting lots of e-mails about the next installment, so here it is. Although it's going to be kind of hard trying to think in between "so, good, so, good, I got yous" HAY!

Monday, I went to see Dr. Jacquet. Now, I told some of you about Dr. Jacquet, but for those of you in the dark, let me enlighten you. Dr J (as I like to call him) is a brilliant surgeon. I cannot say enough good things about his skills. However, he has a very interesting personality. Okay, to give you a picture, Dr. Jacquet looks like a taller version of George Jefferson, but dresses like Tim Meadows' Ladies Man character from SNL. He is always playing 70s soul music in his office. He sports the gold chain, and sometimes even silk (dacron?) shirts. I think style wise, this man peaked in the 70s, and stayed there!

Anyway, so there I am in his office, Wyatt is with me. He comments how Wyatt is always working, and asks me if it's a good thing. At first I thought the question was rhetorical, but he looked at me like he wanted an answer, so I said yeah, it was a good thing. He removed my steri-strips, and said I was healing fine. He asked if I was eating okay, and before I had the chance to answer he says: "I know you're eating fine, you've gained three pounds since the last time you were here".
OW! I was so not expecting that. Why is it that doctors love to tell you how fat you are?

My friend who is a size 4 was told that she was three pounds overweight at her last checkup. What is it with these doctors? They make you take your clothes off then they tell you you're fat.

I guess the fat comment shouldn't of bothered me, I am lucky to be alive, but it did. I guess it's back to weight watchers.

Meanwhile, until I hear from my oncologist, life has resumed almost normally, I'm back to shuttling the kids around from point A to point B, still losing my battle with the laundry, just normal stuff. I'm treating myself to a spa day at Glen Ivy this weekend, should be fun.

That's good enough for now. I love you all, I mean it
I am so glad that some of you have taken the initiative to go to the doctor. Now, for the rest of you, make that call,


Anonymous said...

Okay, Okay, I'll make the call. I'm still recovering from that physical I had last November. I admit that it's time to schedule a couple of more tests.

Anyway, it's good that you're almost back to your routine. I can't wait for you to get back in school. I have missed the stories about your patients.

jilly said...

I want to know what you are doing schlupping kids around and doing laundry? You should be sitting and resting and not lifting anything heavy,it has hardly been 3 weeks! You need to be napping and healing ! You must be feeling better.
I am glad to read your posts,see that you are feeling beter and all is doing good for you!
love you!

Myradawnn said...

You're right Auntie J. I should take it a little easier. I helped Maddie out of the shopping cart yesterday at Costco---mistake. I want to take it easy but there is so much to do. I'm going to have to try because I don't feel that great today. I can't wait for Glen Ivy tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Good words.