Friday, April 13, 2007

Ask not what you can do for me....

.....But what you can do for yourselves....

Hi everyone. Many of you have asked me if there was something you can do for me.
There is. Go the doctor and get a check up. Even if you think nothing is wrong, if you haven't seen your doctor in awhile, then it's time to get reacquainted with your MD. Sometimes, we may have symptomss that might be kind of embarrassing. Believe me, it wasn't easy to call my doctor's office, and tell the nurse why I wanted to make an appointment. Being embarrassed, might just by you a one-way ticket to a place you're not ready to go to yet. So if you are due for a pap, a mammogram, or just a physical, make an appointment, and make it today. I love all you.



Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you're doing great. I've been getting updates from my mom, because I am sure that you are tired of telling the same stories.

FYI- I'm up on my appointments, but will be NAGGIN' Kris to get up on his as soon as I get home from work.

Vie said...

Ok, ok, OK - I will call and get that referral for my colonoscopy - they've been nagging me to get one since I turned 50. ANd you can bet I'll be reading ALL the bottles they tell me to take, so I know which end is up, so to speak. I am so glad to hear you joking again - and esp to hear that the cancer was contained - hooray!

Juju said...

I loved the Sally the Nurse best of the whole thing, and I'm glad you lived thru that first day. All of us who have had abdominal surgery wanted to tell you what to expect, but, of course, just couldn't make you any more scared. I had my hysterectomy at a military hospital with NO frills, and they got me up for "a long-distance phone call". Vie could hear me dragging my IV stand slowly down the hall to answer. Well, we can laugh about it now. Love you, Brave Myra Woman! The rest should be a song after that.

Anonymous said...
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jilly said...

Yup I finally made that dr.'s appointment.
You so rock My!
I just rorared over your hospital story.brave woman!!