Thursday, May 31, 2007

Free at last, free at last.....

I'm cured. I saw Dr. Lamon yesterday, and he said my CT scan came back clear, my CEA blood levels are normal. He does not recommend chemotherapy at this time, and I can go back and live my life the way it was before March.

While I was waiting for Dr. Lamon in the examining room, I was reading Lance Armstrong's book "It's Not About the Bike". Lance had just won the first Tour de France after having being successfully treated for testicular cancer. A reporter asked him what was going through his head as he crossed the finish line. Lance said: "I'm shocked, but I just want to say one thing,if you get a second chance in life for something, you have to do it all the way." That advice really hit home for me. Here out, I'm going to try to live a more purposeful life. I haven't figured out exactly how, but that's the plan.

This just might be my last post to this blog, but keep checking back, you never know. Thank you all for supporting me on this journey, the road my not have been that long, and it could have been infinitely worse, but I could not have done it without the support of you guys, my family and friends. I love you all, I really do.

Now I have to call the dean and tell her I'm coming back to school in the fall.



jilly said...

Yippeee, that is great news My~ I was really waiting and hoping to hear exactly this ,that you wouldn't have to go through chemo.Big hugs, jilly

Anonymous said...

That is great My. I am so happy for you!