Friday, March 16, 2007


Hi all,

Well, this is the blog I promised. I'm new at this blog business, so bear with me while I work out the kinks.
Today was a rough today, I had to take a leave of absence from school, and I sent out the mass e-mail letting everyone know what's going on. I'm still waiting to wake up from this nightmare

What we know so far:

5cm malignant tumor found on sigmid colon. Referral made to surgery.

Going to see surgeon on March 22.


Anonymous said...

Hi Myra, your blog looks good. I like the way you designed it.

Anonymous said...

I Love the Blog!

Unknown said...

Very Pretty Blog M, You know you and your family will always be in our prayers!

BritChick said...

Hi M, love the photo! I suspect you'll be very good at blogging and look forward to reading all about your journey. We're thinking of you over here in Blighty. Peace

Unknown said...

This blog is a great idea...I will call you tomorrow (no tears...i promise) We are praying for ALL of the Bertels...luv ya!

jane dashiell said...

Hey Myra, checking out your "blog" I am totally lost hope you get this! Know that I think of you every day. Well only since you told me you have cancer!!! You know I am seriously only kidding!!! You were there for me a few years ago, I will be there for you! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Love YOU MUCH....

Anonymous said...

We're all praying for you in D-town. Sorry, I hadn't contacted before, but I just found out! Mad I found out via blog! Anyway, if there's anything we can do PLEASE don't hesitate to call.

Mika Lynne

Unknown said...

Hi Myra, you're right cancer scares seem to be everywhere these days. BTW-I don't think Kimberly is going for the "lavish over-the-top" wedding. Maybe low-key on an island somewhere (smile),which is fine. That way you can save for Maddie's lavish over-the-top affair complete with a pink Hello Kitty/Kipper themed reception. Hope you're feeling better. See you soon.