Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Hi everyone,

As the date of the hospitalization nears, I find myself falling deeper into a state of depression. Kimberly's upcoming birthday provides a much needed distraction, but at the end of the day, I know that my stint at the hospital is getting closer.

Last Friday, Elizabeth Edwards announced her breast cancer recurrance. She seemed so courageous at the press conference. Her husband did a good job at holding it together, but I could tell he was worried. I wish them both luck in the future, and give a "right on" to Mrs. Edwards who is going to do what she wants to do, not what her cancer wants her to do. She is going to live the life she wants as long as she can. It is courageous, but scary too.

Today, I read that Tony Snow's (Bush's press secretary) colon cancer has returned. The prognosis is probably not good. It has metastized to his liver. Is cancer becoming more popular lately, or am I just more in-tuned with it?

It's days like this when I wonder, what IF I don't get through this? And even if I do win this first battle, how long before I have to fight a recurrance and if I do will I be successful the next time? I remember when my greatest wish was to win the lottery, then it was that my children would always be happy and healthy, now my greatest wish is to see my daughters grow up. I want nothing more than to throw them big over the top lavish weddings.

Having cancer really sucks, I wouldn't recommend it

Stay Healthy!


Anonymous said...

Hi Myra,

I wish I could find something to say to help lift your spirits. I know the stint in the hospital is getting closer. Thankfully, it is only one week. Next thing you know, you'll be looking back on it as a past event. So while it is getting closer, it is also getting closer to being over. And, then we can party on the beach!

I watched Elizabeth Edwards' and Tony Snow's press conferences. I admire their courage. And, I admire your courage and strength. You will beat this. After you beat it, you will be so closely watched by doctors that if any recurrence happened, it would be nipped in the bud. So, start setting money aside for those weddings.


jilly said...

Hi Myra dear,
Here's a big hug. It is a hard thing and you are doing good and it is okay to feel down too. But it is a process and while there are many possible outcomes you just have to take it one day at a time. And this too shall pass and you will get through and dance at your daughter's weddings. And like anything else if it is happening to you suddenly you are more attune that it happens to other people.Like as soon as you buy a certain car model suddenly you notice everyone else who is driving one just like yours. What you don't notice are all the successful survivors who made it and came out on the other side and are living terrific full lives. So hang there there baby,big hugs,