Friday, March 23, 2007

First visit to the surgeon

Hey everyone,

I would like to thank everybody for their e-mails and calls, power brunches, babysitting, prayers, etc. I can not tell you how much it has helped me. You guys may think that you haven't done much, but your support has meant the world to me.

Okay I finally saw Dr J, the surgeon yesterday. He seemed optimistic......


My surgery is scheduled for April 2 (Kim's birthday). I talked to him about open-incision vs. laproscopic surgery. He wants to perform an open-incision so he can examine my other organs for metastasis (spreading). The incision is going to be from my belly button to my pubic bone. I don't really care about scaring---I'm well-past my bikini days anyway (when I was 12). I should be in the hospital for 5-7 days. The doctor said the tumor wasn’t large, he thinks it’s an early stage, but can’t really say until he opens me up.

Not so terrific news: I have to begin a liquid diet two days prior to the surgery. I have to take a strong laxative the morning of the party. I might actually wait and take that when the party is over—can you imagine having an accident in front of God and everybody? I can’t have cake either : (

More not so terrific news: He said he’s worried about a recurrence because of my age. He just kept commenting about my age. He might even order a genetic panel to see if I have a colon cancer gene. He doesn’t think so because I don’t have any family history, but he did say that there is a link between breast and colon cancer, so I need to call about an updated mammogram, I’m due for one anyway.

What we still don’t know: If I have to have chemo, what stage the tumor is in.

A little good news: He said he wants to get me back to school. He was disappointed that I had to leave, but stressed the importance of returning.

Thanks y'all


Anonymous said...

Hi Myra,

I'm so happy that the doctor is optimistic and doesn't consider the tumor large. That's good news.

Wow! The surgery is around the corner...literally. Do you go to the hospital the day before the surgery or the day of the surgery? As for the cake, we'll just have to get another one when you're able to eat it.

Since the doctor is worried about a recurrence, does that mean you'll have a colonoscopy on a yearly basis from now on out? Will that cancer gene test answer his concerns about recurrence?

Anyway, I'm just glad that the doctor is optimistic. I agree with him about school. As it is, I already miss hearing about your patients. So I can't wait for you to get back in there so that I can live vicariously through you.

See you soon!


Myradawnn said...

Yeah, I go to the hospital the day before, they want me there at 8:00am. All the rooms at Pomerado are private.

Yes, he think I should have a colonoscopy on a yearly basis. The worse thing about the colonoscopy is the prep for it.


Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Wow, the surgery is taking place very quickly.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy the Dr. is optimistic. As far as having cake...we will have to have a "Myra can have cake!" party when all is said and done!

Myradawnn said...

YES, I want to have many many parties throughout this thing. Scrapbooking, movie, eating-cake parties, it's all good!
Thanks everyone!

jilly said...

Myra dear,
I am so proud of your your terrific attitude,keeping it all balanced. I totally agree that it is good to hear that the surgeon is optimistic and wants you to get back in school as well. That is oh so positive.
Thank you for doing this blog.It is great to keep in touch this way,especially for us out here on the fringes!
love you, jilly