Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hip Hip Hurray!

Lots and Lots of good news to share today!!!!

The hospital called today to ask some pre-op questions. The nurse told me that Dr J was a great surgeon and I'm in good hands. The nurse's husband had CC surgery eight years ago, Dr. J performed the surgery and he is still doing great. The nurses at his office also sing praises about him and referred family members to him for abdominal surgical procedures, this made me feel a lot better about the operation.

Now the super news. My liquid diet was pushed to Sunday, so now I can eat pizza and cake at Kimberly's b-day!!!! I didn't know how I was going to be able to turn down Costco cake, now I don't have to!


Today was a good day!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Hi everyone,

As the date of the hospitalization nears, I find myself falling deeper into a state of depression. Kimberly's upcoming birthday provides a much needed distraction, but at the end of the day, I know that my stint at the hospital is getting closer.

Last Friday, Elizabeth Edwards announced her breast cancer recurrance. She seemed so courageous at the press conference. Her husband did a good job at holding it together, but I could tell he was worried. I wish them both luck in the future, and give a "right on" to Mrs. Edwards who is going to do what she wants to do, not what her cancer wants her to do. She is going to live the life she wants as long as she can. It is courageous, but scary too.

Today, I read that Tony Snow's (Bush's press secretary) colon cancer has returned. The prognosis is probably not good. It has metastized to his liver. Is cancer becoming more popular lately, or am I just more in-tuned with it?

It's days like this when I wonder, what IF I don't get through this? And even if I do win this first battle, how long before I have to fight a recurrance and if I do will I be successful the next time? I remember when my greatest wish was to win the lottery, then it was that my children would always be happy and healthy, now my greatest wish is to see my daughters grow up. I want nothing more than to throw them big over the top lavish weddings.

Having cancer really sucks, I wouldn't recommend it

Stay Healthy!

Friday, March 23, 2007

First visit to the surgeon

Hey everyone,

I would like to thank everybody for their e-mails and calls, power brunches, babysitting, prayers, etc. I can not tell you how much it has helped me. You guys may think that you haven't done much, but your support has meant the world to me.

Okay I finally saw Dr J, the surgeon yesterday. He seemed optimistic......


My surgery is scheduled for April 2 (Kim's birthday). I talked to him about open-incision vs. laproscopic surgery. He wants to perform an open-incision so he can examine my other organs for metastasis (spreading). The incision is going to be from my belly button to my pubic bone. I don't really care about scaring---I'm well-past my bikini days anyway (when I was 12). I should be in the hospital for 5-7 days. The doctor said the tumor wasn’t large, he thinks it’s an early stage, but can’t really say until he opens me up.

Not so terrific news: I have to begin a liquid diet two days prior to the surgery. I have to take a strong laxative the morning of the party. I might actually wait and take that when the party is over—can you imagine having an accident in front of God and everybody? I can’t have cake either : (

More not so terrific news: He said he’s worried about a recurrence because of my age. He just kept commenting about my age. He might even order a genetic panel to see if I have a colon cancer gene. He doesn’t think so because I don’t have any family history, but he did say that there is a link between breast and colon cancer, so I need to call about an updated mammogram, I’m due for one anyway.

What we still don’t know: If I have to have chemo, what stage the tumor is in.

A little good news: He said he wants to get me back to school. He was disappointed that I had to leave, but stressed the importance of returning.

Thanks y'all

Friday, March 16, 2007


Hi all,

Well, this is the blog I promised. I'm new at this blog business, so bear with me while I work out the kinks.
Today was a rough today, I had to take a leave of absence from school, and I sent out the mass e-mail letting everyone know what's going on. I'm still waiting to wake up from this nightmare

What we know so far:

5cm malignant tumor found on sigmid colon. Referral made to surgery.

Going to see surgeon on March 22.